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        Logistics "Chengdu model" into the national pilot "model"

        瀏覽量:4217Author:成都日報Source:Chengdu Daily

        During the two sessions of the country in 2015, CCTV "economic half an hour" column has been concerned about the city's common logistics logistics innovation model. Today, the city city common distribution system has been basically formed, the development model matures, become the national city common distribution pilot "model". And this model brings the most intuitive effect is the cost reduction, efficiency, reduce emissions.

        As one of the first batch of cities in Chengdu, one of the pilot enterprises Yi Jia logistics, after participating in the pilot, the distribution of higher efficiency, lower operating costs. In the city recently held in the Industrial Development Conference, and the subsequent introduction of the "New Deal 50" are clearly stressed that reducing the cost of logistics enterprises, and vigorously develop the city common distribution and multimodal transport, accelerate the formation of supply chain logistics service system. According to the planning objectives, by 2020, the city pilot business circulation enterprises concentrated (common) distribution rate will be more than 80%, integrated logistics costs reduced by about two percent.

        cutting edge


        More efficient

        Business volume from more than 100 tons to more than 1,000 tons

        Hot summer, afternoon hot sun roasted the earth. At the Yijia Logistics Distribution Center, located in the westbound port of Chengdu, the workers are busy carrying cargo to the van. The wide operation area is already filled with goods waiting for delivery, and the air dam next to it is the size of the waiting queue truck.

        "Now the daily distribution of transport operations amounted to more than 1,000 tons, and joined the city before the common distribution, the daily transport business volume is only 100 tons." Sichuan Yijia logistics vice president Liu Jun with two data to explain the access to the city common distribution Bring about changes and effects.

        2015, Chengdu, the city launched a common distribution pilot, the first batch of more than 40 enterprises to join the pilot. Chengdu is one of the first cities in the country to implement the city's common distribution. In 2012, the Ministry of Commerce will include nine cities in Chengdu, including the first batch of "modern logistics technology applications and common distribution" pilot cities.

        Yi Jia logistics is the city's first batch of urban distribution pilot one of the enterprises, CCTV "economic small half" when the report site is here. "They rushed over early in the field interview for a long time." Liu Jun is still clearly remember the scene at that time.

        At that time, CCTV reporter followed the interview of two drivers, one is engaged in the traditional distribution model of the driver, the other is engaged in a common distribution of new models of drivers, through the comparison reflects the efficiency of urban common distribution changes. At that time, the two countries were held to express the development of logistics express, CCTV reports triggered a national logistics "Chengdu model" great concern.

        As the logistics industry insiders, Liu Jun concerned about every logistics industry policy. "Industrial Development Conference clearly put forward to vigorously develop the modern logistics industry, focusing on the construction of international production factors distribution center, information resource exchange center and logistics hub, to enhance logistics efficiency and reduce logistics costs." He said that the promotion of the logistics industry Integration development, enhance the level of intelligence, innovation and development has a positive meaning, boost the confidence of the development of the logistics industry. At present, Yi Jia logistics Qingbaijiang District is planning and construction of high standard distribution center, will be formed in Chengdu, South and North echoes the two major distribution center.

        Yijia Logistics aims to create a smart logistics platform for FMCG industry, which has subsidiaries in major cities across the country, and Chengdu is the first city to carry out the city's common distribution business, which has been accumulated for other areas after the implementation of the business experience. In addition to Chengdu, the current Yi Jia logistics in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Kunming and other cities have established a city distribution center, focusing on FMCG distribution areas.

        Reduce costs

        The amount of vehicles from 100 to 50 vehicles

        "Before the implementation of centralized distribution, the vehicle is often only installed half of the goods ran out to the distribution, and now, you see, each truck is filled with goods." Liu Jun side of the busy scene, while leading the reporter to Warehousing center. Side by side built four warehouses neatly stacked with the brand of FMCG goods, each warehouse area of 6,000 square meters.

        Liu Jun said that the city co-distribution of businesses, logistics enterprises are "win-win" thing, before the truck "no food" will go out delivery, distribution efficiency, logistics costs can be imagined. And the implementation of the city after the common distribution, all the way to take a number of goods over the goods, wagons are full of goods, the distribution of the distribution costs are very low, but also conducive to ease the city congestion, reduce vehicle emissions, transport distribution More efficient, "before the need for 100 cars, now only 50 cars."

        For businesses, it is possible to visually feel the decline in logistics costs. This is because the implementation of the city after the common distribution, businesses do not have to rent a warehouse, do not raise care, "due to lower logistics costs, at least 10% of operating costs." Especially for small and medium businesses, the cost savings to profit , Enhance market competitiveness, which is not to be overlooked.

        Data from the City Port Logistics Office show that the city's first batch of pilot enterprises have increased the average distribution rate to 65%, the average number of bicycle delivery to 2.64 times, the average cycling rate increased to 80%, the average cycle length of the bicycle increased to 7.16 Hour, were significantly improved compared with the pilot before the show.

        Up to now, the city has included Carrefour, all music, Wal-Mart, Red Flag chain, etc., including two batches of more than 100 enterprises to join the ranks of the city common distribution pilot, into the pilot of the centralized distribution of vehicles up to 2000, of which nearly three One of the vehicles for the new energy pure electric trucks.

        "Reduce costs, improve efficiency, emission reduction" is the city to implement the city's common distribution pilot in mind. For two years, the effect has been apparent. To everyone Lok supermarket, for example, centralized distribution rate from 30% before the pilot to 70%, a single store receipt by the pilot before the average 6 people reduced to 4, daily delivery trips time to save more than one-third , The average daily delivery trips to cut more than Qi Cheng. In addition, the new hope Group "fresh life" logistics to join the common distribution, the cold chain transport vehicle cycling average daily operation time increased by more than 50%, daily distribution service shop from the previous 20 or so to about 30, Efficiency increased by about five percent.

        System has become

        3 years to build two-tier city distribution network system

        At present, the city also set up a new capital, Longquan station, Shuangliu three concentrated (common) distribution demonstration area, the cumulative investment in standardized storage facilities more than 800,000 square meters. At the same time, the city has also completed the use of the city common distribution regulatory service platform and monitoring service center, opened the city distribution service hotline, regular generation of weekly urban common distribution vehicle monitoring data analysis report, and gradually form the distribution vehicle operation assessment and data analysis Mechanism, the use of "large data" to implement regulatory services.

        "At present, the city's urban common distribution system has been basically formed, relying on the planning of the logistics focus on the development zone to the city high-speed as the border, guide suppliers to store the goods in the standardization of storage facilities, and then by the centralized distribution of vehicles, (The common) model is gradually being widely used by commercial and trade enterprises. "City port logistics deputy director Zhang said that the pilot range from the point, the pilot effect gradually expanded, the policy-oriented role gradually emerged, the city common distribution development Model matures, the relevant norms and standards system is also the initial formation of urban delivery efficiency gradually improved.

        According to reports, the city since the comprehensive development of the city since the common pilot, the Ministry of Commerce has repeatedly to Chengdu research guidance, and Chengdu model for the national urban common distribution pilot 2.0 version, affirmed the city "policy + platform" pilot model , Including Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Ningbo, more than 20 city tour delegation to exchange learning Chengdu this innovative pilot model.

        The city will be the first to break through the supermarket stores, convenience chain, department store retail and other major commercial formats, based on the gradual coverage of e-commerce, wholesale markets, professional stores, restaurants and other food and beverage industry, Format, expand the total size of pilot enterprises to promote urban transport model changes and service upgrades. In addition, in the central city of the city to carry out the common distribution of the pilot work at the same time, pay close attention to the implementation of urban and rural distribution of the end of the public service site pilot work, and guide trade, supply and marketing, postal, electricity, express delivery, logistics and other market players, Service resources, construction of urban and rural distribution terminal public service site.

        In the near future, the city will start the urban public distribution pilot urban and rural distribution terminal public service site declaration work, plans to build 50-100 urban and rural distribution terminal public service site this year, focusing on promoting rural delivery terminal public service site construction, with 3 years initially formed "Large-scale common distribution center + urban and rural terminal distribution of public sites" two-tier city distribution network system, significantly enhance the efficiency of the end distribution, reduce distribution costs, and effectively solve the urban "last mile" distribution problems.

        According to the city's modern logistics industry development "thirteen five" plan, by 2020 the city engaged in urban concentration (common) distribution of specialized, large-scale third-party logistics enterprises up to 50, into the standardized storage facilities 3 million square meters (Common) distribution rate of more than 80%, integrated logistics costs by about 20%.