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        CompanyNews IndustryNews

        China Express regulations "three bright spots and millions of courier are closely related

        瀏覽量:3631Author:新華社Source:Xinhua News Agency

        China Express regulations "three bright spots and millions of courier are closely related

        July 12, the State Council executive meeting decided to have considered the "express delivery regulations (draft)" to the public for comments. Draft to highlight the norms to promote the development of the industry, provides a simplified courier layout set up procedures to provide vehicle parking facilities to reduce the cost of logistics and other measures.

        The Ordinance is based on the actual problems encountered at this stage the right medicine, many of which are worth looking forward to:

        First, simplify the layout of the express set procedures, "a photo multiple access" to save costs.

        Second, to provide express delivery vehicles to facilitate parking

        Third, the real name to send and receive information technology enterprises to change